quinta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2010

Pesonallity Quiz!

For 30 % you are: You are brave, energetic, athletic, and motivated to succeed.
Pros about you: You are hard working and almost always reach your goals.
Cons about you: You do so much that sometimes your life doesn't keep a healthy balance between life on the field and down time.

quarta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2010

Beleza Inquestionavel

Beleza grande Beleza

Beleza Inquestionavel

Beleza interna e externa...

Todas cativam os olhares

Beleza grande Beleza

Às vezes avassaladora

Às vezes só um lado

Interno ou externo.

Coitado daquele que vive só um lado!

Beleza grande Beleza

Não se põe à mesa,

Mas pode ser servido como prato principal

Ou até mesmo como aperitivo.

Beleza grande Beleza, interpretada de toda forma

Pode ser até melhorada, mas nunca mudada

Essa grande beleza continua Inquestionavel.

AUTORA:Rafaela Barbosa De Moraes

quinta-feira, 25 de junho de 2009


They say life is short, but not verdade.A for long life and who can live felicidades.E that this small happiness out there, disguised as a child of tranquina playing hide-esconde.Infelizmente sometimes do not realize this and we stock our collecting nãos: a journey that we made, this not taken, the party of which we were not, the love that we do not live, not the perfume sentimos.A life is more exciting when it is no actor and spectator, when it is not pilot and passenger, and not bird landscape, and not montaria.e rider as she is made of moments, can not and should not be measured in years or months but in minutes and seconds! LIFE IS NOW!